Looking back, it all seems a bit interesting. David McFarland was born in Ohio in 1942. When he was three years old, his family moved to Portland so his father could attend bible college. As a youngster, David remembers driving through the Corbett community and even past the Corbett Grange on their way to Portland. Fast forward.... David marries his first wife after meeting in Florida. Together they move to Italy have a daughter. After seven years together, they divorce. David remarries and has two sons with his second wife, Lillian. When the boys are in high school, they move to the Corbett RV Park. The home across the road from the post office in Corbett becomes available for rent, so the family moves in and Ted Davenport becomes their landlord. Eventually David purchases the building the next door and turns the 100 plus year old American Legion Hall into the family home. Over the years he has created a very "unique and different" home. David's daughter married and had six children, landing in Florida. David's wife Lillian passed several years ago. On the same night of her passing, two of their Corbett neighbors on the same road in two separate homes also passed! One of David's sons lives in Corbett, the other near Portland. All together David has ten grandchildren, and loves to visit them or have them visit him! Some of his fondest memories are of traveling the globe with Lillian. As an electrician before retiring, David worked on the Trojan power plant and several different platforms out in the ocean. These days he attends local bible studies in Corbett and has lunch at the Grange on Mondays with the seniors. He says he appreciates that folks are friendly and willing to talk. He also appreciates that it is not a "transient" community. "Once folks move here- they never want to leave!" His favorite community effort? Re-wiring the Corbett Grange Hall that his family first drove past nearly 70 years ago!