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CAPS Learning Specialist, Jackie Ritchey
Clackamas, Oregon was considerably more rural in 1983 when Jackie was born. Her parents and eight-year-old sister were present to welcome her arrival and she had three half-siblings in Illinois. From an early age, there were two sure things about Jackie. No matter the weather, she loved to be outdoors as much as possible to both play and explore. Jackie's mom was a previous soccer player and introduced her to the sport. Jackie played from 1st to 9th grade and her mom coached her for some of that time. Jackie also knew she wanted to be a teacher. Several teachers in the North Clackamas School District had made a positive impact on her and were strong role models. When Jackie was 13, her parents divorced and she became what she describes as a "latchkey kid." She lived with each of her parents part-time. By the time she entered high school, she was making poor choices and her teachers and parents stepped in to offer guidance. They suggested Sabin Skills Center as an option for her to learn job skills and take child development classes while still attending Clackamas High School. This was an ideal situation for Jackie as she realized it was a natural fit for her and she had a passion for the child development classes. Jackie says this program is what helped get her to graduation. After graduating from Clackamas High in 2001, Jackie continued working at a daycare, now full-time. College was intimidating because of the expense. In 2004, Jackie came to realize that Portland Community College had a program that was affiliated with Portland State University and could enable her to earn an Oregon Transfer Degree (OTD). Jackie began taking classes at PCC and in 2010, transferred to PSU as a junior. She graduated in 2013 from PSU with a degree in Early Childhood Education. Jackie's husband Rob was a huge support during this time. They had met in 2004 and married in 2008. Both her husband and her father share the same first and middle names of Robert Louis! Jackie's first teaching job out of college was as an Educational Assistant in a SPED, self-contained classroom in West Linn. Just after getting hired, she very unexpectedly became pregnant with their first child! Colton will be 10 years old in June. Marlee is six years old and Casen is two. In 2018 they lost their daughter, Ava. Jackie enrolled at Concordia University in 2017 to earn her graduate degree and teaching license, graduating in 2018. At this time, Jackie left her job in West Linn and began subbing in the Oregon Trail School District. After two years of being a substitute teacher, Sandy Grade School asked her to become a 3rd grade long-term sub while the teacher was on maternity leave. This was Jackie's first time to have her own classroom! The following year she expanded her horizons to include the Gresham-Barlow and Corbett School District as places she would be available to sub. In 2019 she progressed from subbing to working full-time as an Educational Assistant at Corbett for a year. This was both rewarding and enlightening for Jackie and she wanted to become a classroom teacher. In 2022, she interviewed for a few teaching positions and was not hired. The first week of school, she was offered a position as a Learning Specialist at CAPS that had just opened up. She now has a classroom without a class! She is a Special Education teacher who has a case load of 22 students. Being in the Corbett School District has been a good fit for Jackie as she loves the small community, being able to get to know both the staff and the students. She keeps a notebook of "good happenings'' where she logs on a regular basis all of the positives in her job. She loves to reflect on it as a reminder of all the good she is able to experience. Jackie has worked as a volunteer at the Corbett Grange's Helping Hands program the last two years. She is now a lead on Saturdays and enjoys being able to work with others for a greater good. Family is important to Jackie and she loves being with them on their property where they have two horses, three goats and more chickens than they can count! Husband Rob is a baseball and wrestling coach for the Gresham-Barlow School District and their son Colton is already succeeding at both sports. Marlee plays baseball and does ballet. Casen, their 2nd son, is the cheerleader! Jackie's father lives on the property with them and loves to be a part of their lives and activities.