Eighteen years ago, Lily Carey began her childhood in Corbett. Over time she helped her moms build the home that the three of them currently live in. This fall, Lily went away for an extended period from her beloved home and acreage. Lily is a freshman in college at Western Wash. Univ. in Bellingham, Wash. She is looking to major in biology, with a specific interest in research. Lily is interested in biodiversity and animal behavior. During her childhood years in Corbett, Lily was actively involved in both volleyball and softball. She says that both Angela Davis and Bill Wilson have made a big impact on her life. Both coaches helped instill within her a strong work ethic and they both made her feel comfortable enough to visit them at their Corbett homes if she ever needed or wanted to talk. Lily loves the strong sense of community that Corbett has given her over the years. Although college life is fun and exciting, she misses the deep relationships that she has developed over the years back home. Lily loves the quiet of Corbett, and has always slept with her window open, even during the rain and wind. Fondly Lily remembers a time in high school when she spent a marvelous day "in town" with friends. They came back to Corbett and parked at the Women's Forum parking lot. Sitting on the ledge and overlooking the Gorge, she felt a strong sense of contentment to live in such a magnificent and amazing location. Looking at her friends that she had spent the day with, she also KNEW how blessed she was to have the deep childhood friendships she had.