Driving down Jennifer Prince's Corbett driveway is quite an adventure with all the twists, turns and forest features along the way. WELL WORTH the journey. At the end of the seemingly endless road, a warm and inviting home reaches out to welcome all. Jennifer and her husband Dan are raising two boys in the beautifully remodeled home they have lived in the last several years. Moving to Bull Run Road in 2003 to escape their loud and busy Portland neighborhood, they soon realized that the small specialty school they were planning on for their family was going to CLOSE! Dan was heavily involved with Outdoor School and KNEW the kids from Corbett were a well educated bunch, so they decided to leave the Sandy School District and move into Corbett. NO regrets for the Prince family as they have all settled in well. Jennifer loves the peaceful serenity of her family's very private acreage, saying it feels like a "spa retreat" to live amongst such quiet beauty. Having been a public school teacher for 10 years, she feels blessed to be at home full time with her boys. On occassion, she actually teaches parenting classes with the "Love and Logic" principles of Dr. Foster Cline and Jim Fay, and it is her desire to offer/hold classes right here in the Corbett community. Jennifer volunteers in the classrooms at the Corbett Grade School and also collects both Box Tops for Education and Campbell's soup labels. In December, she was able to turn in enough box tops to earn the school a hefty $700 check! Jennifer also appreciates and enjoys the monthly Women's Tea at the grange. Being physically spread out on acreage here in Corbett, Jennifer says it is important to gather and physically see and spend time with neighbors and community members. She said she loves to connect with the various women on many different levels, learning and sharing from and with them. I believe she described the true meaning of community.