Alice and Ignatious (Ig) Wand had a total of eight children while living on Wand Road in Corbett. It was Ig's father, Frank who the Corbett road is named after. Dick Wand is now living in his childhood home with his wife Sharon. Dick is proud of his heritage and loves the "honeymoon cottage" that his father built in 1930. No longer a cottage, Dick's father added on each time a child was born into the family! After graduating from Corbett Middle School, Dick took a Greyhound bus to Idaho Falls, and worked on an 800 acre potato farm for the summer. Dick recalls this as being one of the happiest times in his life, returning every summer for four years. Dick graduated from high school and began serving with the National Guard. With eight months of active service, Dick continued with the Guard for a total of 6 years. Getting married at age 22 to Susan, they had two daughters and lived in the home across the road from his folks. Dick eventually started into the construction business after working for his dad at the family hardware store in Corbett (located across from the current middle school) for many years after school and on weekends. Dick is the owner of Dick Wand Construction and has built numerous Corbett homes, including a log home for Leo Zook using all the timber on Leo's large acreage. He has also built barns, various other outbuildings and recently removed the windows from the Bridal Veil Church so they could be preserved after the building was demolished. Both of Dick's parents lived to each be 90 years old, so he has no plans to slow down anytime soon!