It was 44 years ago that Stephen Kenney landed in Springdale/Corbett. Married since 1968 to Patty, Steve has two daughters that still live locally. Each are married, but no grandchildren yet! Steve and Patty's home has quite the history- living next door to Big Bear's market, the home originally belonged to Frank Warren who died on the Titanic in April, 1912. The home was moved to Springdale in 1927 and the Troutdale mayor, Erick Enquist lived there. Steve paid $16K for his home in 1975 and is happy to say it is completely paid off. Steve spent 37 years as a roofer and says he has roofed homes ALL over the Portland area, and this is definitely the BEST place to live! History has always been a passion for Steve. He started collecting postcards nearly 44 years ago and has created nearly 1,000 of his own from historic photos he has collected over the years. His first postcard was from Government Camp, and the latest one is of the Bend Tavern on the Scenic Highway that was torn down on April 20, 2011. Heavily involved in historic aspects of our community, Steve interviewed numerous local folks in the 1970's on cassette tape. He spoke to many original homesteaders, including Toot Evans who shared about the largest fire that ever came to the area in 1902. The fire was so vast and destructive, the effects are still visible today. Steve's favorite memory was after spending an entire year helping the Vista House be restored (his historical photos were used for reconstruction purposes) he was given the original blueprints of the building! He got to spend an entire day in May 2006 with Governor Ted Kulongoski to help celebrate the 88th anniversary. Currently, Steve is selling his 2012 Timberline Lodge calendar that features numerous rare photos for a mere $14. It is beautiful!