When her father worked in Saudi Arabia in the oil fields, he saw the movie "True Grit" and liked it so much that he got on an airplane to L.A. and then rented a car to drive up and down the west coast to find a home in which to live and raise his family. Finding just the spot in Corbett, the Elliott family is still living in the same home today! Lauren Elliott has lived her entire life in Corbett, just recently finishing school as the valedictorian of her graduating class at Corbett High School this past spring. Lauren attended Portland Adventist School K-8, then transitioned over to Corbett High as a freshman. What she loves most about her classmates is what she found most challenging to begin with. "The kids are like a big family and everyone knows each other so well." Lauren played clarinet in the school band her freshman and sophomore year, then joined Leadership her junior year. She also was a member of the National Honor Society, graduating with a weighted GPA of 4.42! As long as she can remember, her family has had a huge summer garden. She absolutely loves the fresh veggies and the country living. She has one brother, Tyler, age 24. Lauren says she loves to travel and had the opportunity to visit both England and Paris last year for just over 3 weeks. She flew alone and met up with an aunt and uncle. This fall she will attend the Univ. of Oregon and hopes to major in biology. She is looking to one day be a physician's assistant, eventually going to school at OHSU after finishing at the U of O, where she is already a HUGE Duck's fan!