As a young child, Dave MacFadden and his brother were placed in a Quaker orphanage in Philadelphia, PA. for eight years. Dave's father had departed and his mother was unable to care for her young sons. Dave says those years with his brother were during the Depression, and he felt blessed to be well fed, clothed and cared for. He especially was thankful to be with his brother. When Dave was 10, his mother had remarried and came to get the boys. Hoping it would be a great situation, it was not. His new stepfather was very harsh and abusive. Dave left home at age 17 and wanted to make his life the best it could be. Meeting and falling in love with Darlene, they were married for 61 years and had five children together before she passed last year. Dave has had a very full and blessed life, becoming a doctor and volunteering heavily throughout his now 83 years. Only three years ago did Dave retire from being a chiropractor. It was only due to his age and health that he walked away from a career he loved. Boy Scouts was another passion- he served 60 years with the organization, 35 years with the Kiwanis and another 35 years as a search and rescue pilot for the Civil Air Patrol. Dave and Darlene had moved from Montana to the Gresham area in 1975. They were looking for another place that was also "open and inviting." Living in a trailer home in Gresham and waiting for the "right place" to become available, Dave was not happy. One day at the athletic club, a Realtor approached him and asked if he was content where he was living. "No!" was the immediate answer. The next thing he knew, he and Darlene were purchasing acreage in Corbett! With ten grandchildren and five great grand children, Dave is still hanging out on his farm, but travels often to visit those he loves most. What about his beloved brother? He became a minister and lives back east. They are still very close and stay in contact regularly. Dave really did make his life "the best."