A Windy Woman!

When Penny Rossman arrived in Corbett in 1975, she was married to David but they did not yet have children. Being an Oregon State University graduate, she and David had become friends with Lee and Diana Tracy while all were in college together. The married couples both longed to live rurally. John Leamy's parents had large acreage in Corbett that they were selling, and so the Rossman's and the Tracy's each decided to purchase 40 acre parcels from them. David, a retired mechanical engineer, worked along side his business partner and wife Penny to build their dream home. Eventually, the couple added both a son and daughter to their family. Jake is now 30 and lives locally. Kate is 27 and lives in San Francisco with her husband. Still living in the same home they built 36 years ago, Penny recently got a remodeled bathroom. Living on very private acreage, she says she loves the huge window within the all tile, walk-in shower. Being an active gal, she loves walking around the area and appreciates there is little to no wind in their area. She is a member of the Portland to Coast walking team "Second Wind". Penny is also a member of "Windy Women" Readers. Twelve years ago, she and six other local women organized a book club because they all loved to read. They gave themselves their name. Penny said the women are all very unique and different, and that is what she loves most. Each gal gets a chance to pick a book, everyone reads and then they discuss. Their latest book involves Seattle, so they will be making a trip there to further discuss, investigate and enjoy the city and each other. Over the years, Penny has volunteered on many levels. Actively volunteering at the Corbett schools over many years, she was also a den mother for Jake's Cub Scout troop for four years. Penny is a founding member of the Corbett Education Foundation and a member of the Springdale School Community Association, acting as treasurer. She is also involved with the Kiwanis Club of the Columbia River Gorge. A memorable moment for her outside of Corbett? Meeting and shaking hands with Robert Kennedy in Portland two days before he was shot down and killed in California. She was a high school student at the time and remembers the bells next door to Jefferson High ringing the entire day.