If you were to ask Nick Ray what the "good life" is, he would most likely let you know he is currently living it! Nick grew up in Portland with his parents and one sister. In 2009, Nick decided to move his own family out of the Rockwood area. Nick says he was living in an area that he considered dangerous, noisy, and stifling. He had no interest in having his kids grow up in such a stressful situation. Nick has three daughters, ages 13, 8 and 5. Currently they are all living on the property of his stepfather and mother in Corbett. He says that the fact his girls are able to play freely outside in the fresh air and have such a quality school to attend is fantastic. Nick is employeed at the Corbett Water District and says that most days after he walks his girls to school, he continues his walk to work! At the department, Nick helps run the treatment plant, lay pipe and set up/perform services and repairs for the customers. Lately they have been taking care of some main artery pipe work near the Grange Hall and that has affected many folks in the area. Some of the pipes are older and can burst, so they are then replaced with the newer PVC piping. When Nick is not at work or with his kids, he most enjoys long bike rides. Recently he went on a 67 mile ride and that was not even his longest~ one day he rode over 100 miles!! It is the freedom and fresh air that is the most appealing, not to mention the physical work out. Nick says he rides a mountain bike because it is more of a challenge and he likes that. Having a playful spirit, it is his daughter's that keep him active and young at heart. It is a good day when they are able to head over to the grade school to play on the swings or run around the fields. Nick loves the serenity of the area as well as the views he gets to see from his home. His favorite part of living in Corbett? "That's easy. The people." He is looking forward to helping out with the July 4th Parade this year.