After growing up in Peoria, Illinois with her three siblings, Marcia Hazlewood went to college in Illinois and then taught grade school for two years. It was then Marcia yearned to attend bible college, and chose one in Portland, Oregon. Marcia met her husband Dave at Trout Creek Bible Camp in Corbett when they were both cooks one summer. To celebrate their birthdays being two days apart, they went on their first date. The rest is history. Married in June 1973, they lived in Portland while Dave was in charge of maintenance at the same bible college that Marcia had attended. Marcia taught 3rd grade at Orient Grade School for seven years and life was good. Daughter Katherine was born in June 1977 and that summer they moved to property out in Corbett that had a barn, and yet no home. Being a true handyman and builder, Dave set out to build their home while they lived in the barn that they had modified to be their temporary home. They moved into their "real" home Thanksgiving 1978. Daughter Susan was born the day between her parent's birthdays in September 1982. Along came daughter Krystal in March 1987. When Krystal was just seven years old, the family was visiting the beach when a freak accident occurred and Krystal was killed by a log at the ocean's beach. Just six weeks later the family was in Houston,Texas for the holidays with Marcia's brother and family. A call came at midnight on New Year's Eve that their home in Corbett had burned to the ground. The Corbett community that had rallied around them at the time of Krystal's death was now back surrounding them. Because the home had never officially been "finished" they had been unable to get any insurance on the home. TV cameras met the Hazlewood family when they stepped off the airplane from Texas and many folks, including Dave and community members worked during the 30 degree temps and 60 mph winds to rebuild a home on the same foundation. Dave took time off work and the build took six months, finishing just in time for a celebration of both the home and Katherine's high school graduation. During the rebuild they lived in the basement of a neighbor's log home. It would be silly to even ask what Marcia loves most about her beloved community of Corbett. "Where else do you find people like this??" Marcia has taught and helped out at the Aims Community Church for 35 years, helped out at Trout Creek Bible Camp, helped put up the Christmas tree in Springdale each holiday and has also volunteered with the Helping Hands Food Program at the Grange the last several years. Recently she has been named "Overseer" of the Grange. She says her life has been an example of how you can turn tragedy into triumph by using life experiences to help encourage and support others.