Growing up as an "Army brat" with her younger sister and parents, Robin Deeming literally moved ALL over the world! Robin's father was a Lt. Col. in the U.S. Army and was from New York. Robin's mother was from Australia, and Robin describes her as "one of the kindest people ever." Both parents have passed, but Robin stays in close touch with her sister who lives with her husband. Together they have six grown kids and live in Kirkland, Wa. When Robin was in middle school, her family lived in Italy for 2 years and also in Germany for a year. When Robin started 10th grade, the family moved to Klamath Falls where her father could retire- and Robin did NOT enjoy her time there. After graduation in 1968, Robin went to college at SOC, Southern Oregon College. After a short time, she found herself restless and in search of what was important. Leaving school, she began to get "caught up in the movement of the times." Many times Robin started and then left college, literally moving all over the U.S. In 2005, she moved from Oakland, CA to be with her partner in Corbett. After choosing to end the relationship, they parted on good terms, and Robin stayed on in her house on wheels that was on the acreage. Seeing an ad in 2008 in the Corbett Schools newsletter, Robin applied for a custodian job. Getting laid off in 2010, she was hired back 14 months later when it was obvious that the schools needed more than just two custodians for all the many buildings and areas that needed attention. Robin will be eligible for retirement in two years and is considering traveling across the country, stopping to work as needed. In the mean time, she continues to keep the Corbett Middle School building and gymnasium clean. At home she loves on her dog, cat and rescue horse, as well as doing a great deal of reading.