From Volunteer to Administrative Assistant at CAPS

WHAT is CAPS?! CAPS is the Corbett Arts Program with Spanish housed in the historic Springdale School two miles west of the main Corbett School campus.They are not a charter school, but rather a part of the Corbett School District. The most noticeable difference for this K-8 school is the thoughtful decision to incorporate the arts throughout the curriculum as well as provide Spanish instruction for all the students. Nancy Gyerko is starting her third year at CAPS, after beginning as a parent volunteer at the Corbett schools about 10 years ago. Her volunteerism turned into being an "on call" aide position. Nancy was never a full time employee of the district until she started at CAPS. What exactly does her job involve? Nancy is a health assistant, does lunch service for all the students, takes care of the attendance, does needed clean-up (think child illness in the hallway) and calls for maintenance help for building issues. Nancy also organizes the facility use for all of the Corbett School buildings, does background checks on all parent volunteers, manages the DQ to Springdale buses, builds relationships with all of the students, and assists both Lori Luna (Principal) and the teachers as needed with various tasks. Nancy was in the medical field prior to working in Corbett. She met her husband, Peter when she worked at Suburban Medical and he was a doctor. Together they have two children. Ella is 17 and Riley is 14. Both kids have been in the Corbett Schools since Ella was in the 2nd grade. Currently the Gyerko's are living in Troutdale, and love outdoor activities as a family. Nancy is the youngest of seven children (same parents!) and grew up mostly on the Oregon Coast in the Newport area. She appreciates family, fun and furry friends! They have two dogs and several chickens. "Nothing better than FRESH eggs" laughs Nancy!