Jenny "Mrs. Rad" Radulesk teaches ninth grade Core and that includes AP Human Geography, ninth grade English and ninth grade Health. Mrs. Rad and Mr. Cooper together teach all of the ninth grade students, each for three hours at a time, having a morning group and then a different afternoon group. (A total of four groups of ninth grade students). Originally, Jenny was hired as the Culinary Arts Teacher and worked out of the kitchen for five years. She loves the change and being in her own classroom with desks instead of ovens! She feels she has found her niche by helping ninth graders transition to high school, and all the expectations that come with that. Jenny was born in Bellevue, Wash. and raised there until leaving for college. She was surrounded by extended family that lived in the Seattle area. As a child, Jenny was very outgoing, but only with her close friends and family. At school she was a bit shy, now giving her a soft spot for her own shy students. She was on a gymnastics team for a total of 15 years, practicing 5x/week, 4 hours a day. When she reached high school, she cut back on gymnastics and added springboard diving and cheerleading to the mix, for variation and balance. When college time rolled around, she chose NOT to follow friends to Univ. of Wash., but instead became a Duck at U of O! She said it was a huge leap of faith but she was up for trying something different. She majored in Anthropology and also focused on Business and Geography. She claims these four years as some of her very BEST, becoming a HUGE Duck fan along the way. It was here she fell in love with learning and made life long friends. After graduation she went to New Zealand on her own. Again, wanting to try something new and different. She tried her hand at sky diving and bungee jumping while circling the islands twice to check out all of the beauty. Jenny was there for a total of six months and worked at a hotel buffet to pay the bills. It was here she decided to become a teacher. She wrote all her strengths on a piece of paper and then had an "Ah ha" moment. She came back to the states and immediately enrolled in grad school at George Fox University. In 1.5 years she earned her "MAT," a Masters of Arts in Teaching. She also received endorsements in Health and Family as well as Consumer Sciences. While in grad school she decided to try something different and started taking golf lessons. Her golf instructor turned out to be more than just a good golfer. She and Kyle started dating and he proposed her first year of teaching! She went to the education fair just prior to graduation and met Mr. Dunton and Mr. Trani. Once she secured an interview, she arrived an hour early because she was not sure of just where Corbett was, and did not want to be late! Although her commute is a full hour each way, she says her heart to continues to be at Corbett and she just loves the small community feel at the school. Kyle and Jenny welcomed daughter Henley into the world six months ago. Jenny admits having a baby has been a great and wonderful experience, but it is a game changer, for sure! World travel and activities such as snow skiing are currently on hold for a bit. No worries, she and Kyle enjoy spending as much as eight hours each weekend watching football together on TV. Her dream? Traveling with him to games all over the country!