Anthony Young was born in Los Angeles, CA. He lived with his parents and older brother and sister in Malibu until the age of five. His parents are still happily married and currently live on the Oregon Coast. Anthony's father worked for the EPA as a Marine Biologist and his mother was a Montessori Teacher/Director. As a young boy, Anthony says he was quite rambunctious! The family moved to New York when he was five, and then to Maryland when he was six. At age seven, the family settled in Newport, Oregon. It was here he graduated high school and met the love of his life. Anthony was a competitive athlete in both track and cross country. This was how he first met his wife, Rhiannon. They started dating after graduation. For college, Anthony attended Lewis and Clark College in Portland. He graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Affairs. He minored in Art, with a focus on Painting. During his sophomore year of college, he did an exchange as a student, going to Sapporo, Japan for nearly four months. At the time, he had a strong grasp of the language, and had a fantastic experience there. He was able to get a greater understanding of himself and the American culture that he had been raised in. He especially loved the food in Japan! Throughout his time in college, he and Rhiannon continued to date and explore life together while she also attended school at a nearby college. Together they became best friends and felt that they were a team and were together to explore the great adventure of LIFE! On one of their trips, they both decided that being teachers would be an amazing experience. They then both attended the GTEP (Graduate Teaching Education Program) at Portland State University. Anthony and Rhiannon married in 2004. He subbed as a teacher his first year then was hired full-time in 2004 at Corbett High School. He taught Art and Modern US History. From Portland, they moved to Corbett in 2012. At the time they had two children, and since the move, have added two more! The TEAM has grown! Olivia is eight, Henri is six, Edwin is three and Amelie is just three months. After three years at Corbett, Anthony has since added AP Psychology and AP Art to his schedule of teaching at the high school. He feels that the TEAM of teachers and staff at Corbett are the BEST. They get along well and encourage one another to be at their peak as teachers. The goal for Anthony is for his students to have the confidence to see themselves as an artist and problem solve creatively as they express themselves artistically.