Benno Lyon was born in Summertown, TN. Benno has two older
brothers and a younger sister. At the age of six, Benno's parents
moved the family to the Northwest. Both his parents are
originally from the East Coast and yet were now raising their
children in the Pacific Northwest. After living in White Salmon,
WA. as a result of his father's job in Hood River, he moved at
age 11 to Portland with just his mom and siblings. Benno says he
was an outgoing kid, talkative and interested in camping, the
outdoors, backpacking, music (he plays guitar), arts and
literature. Benno graduated from Benson High School in
Portland and then took a "gap year" to travel. He first worked in
Alaska at a fishing lodge as a dishwasher. Then Benno toured
Europe for six months, visiting 14 countries with his backpack.
Beginning college at Evergreen State College, he then
transferred to the Univ. of Oregon where he earned his B.S.
degree in Environmental Studies. Throughout his growing up
years, Benno had worked at Outdoor School on Gordon Creek
Road as a leader. He had also worked at Olympic Park Institute
as a field instructor. Benno loves the outdoors and travel. He has
enjoyed being "a vagabond," touring around such places as
Mexico and Hawaii. In 2001, he headed to Pacific Univ. in Forest
Grove to earn his MAT, Masters in Teaching. He has taught at
Hillsboro Public Schools for a year and taught at Oregon
Episcopal School (OES) for 14 years. In 2003 he was touring an
out of town friend through Portland and met his wife at a jazz
bar. They married in 2011 and now have two children. Son Lucca
is seven and daughter Elora is three. Remember he taught for
years at Outdoor School on Gordon Creek Road? Well, he is
now back. He just recently bought a home for his family on
Gordon Creek Road! Welcome, Mr. Lyon.